RED-C Roundup is a local Bryan/College Station, TX live Catholic radio production by the RED-C Apostolate. Tune in live at 11 AM every Wednesday to hear local church and ministry updates, Catholic events in the area, and to hear live interviews with local and national Catholic figures. Our hosts Deacon Mike Beauvais, Pam Marvin, Judy Comeaux, and Maria Sotolongo conduct inspiring interviews with pro-life advocates, Catholic authors, speakers, podcasters, radio hosts, priests and clergy, and more, bringing Catholic teaching, the answers to pressing faith questions, and great spiritual information to the forefront. Search the archives of RED-C Roundup for great interviews on a variety of Catholic and Pro-Life topics. With more than 300 episodes, you are bound to find what you’re looking for!
Tuesday Apr 03, 2018
062 J. Paul Rodriguez: Veteran, Musician, Deacon
Tuesday Apr 03, 2018
Tuesday Apr 03, 2018
On March 28, 2018, host Judy Comeaux spoke with Dcn. J. Paul Rodriguez, who is a deacon at St. Margaret Mary Catholic Parish in Cedar Park, Texas. Dcn. Paul works in the technology sector and has been a member of the Texas National Guard for over twenty years. He has made two deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq, respectively. While deployed he served as a chaplain's assistant. Learn about his efforts to bring Christ to the troops in his area, including the construction of a chapel and the distribution of viaticum. It was while deployed also that Dcn. Paul began to develop his God-given musical talents. We aired several of Dcn. Paul's songs during the broadcast. Hear more from him by checking out his album More Like Christ on all the usual digital platforms. He also maintains a not-for-profit recording studio that he opens to budding Christian musicians to help them cultivate their musical gifts. Enjoy the show, like RED-C Catholic Radio on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter at @REDCRadio. And remember, when choosing between the values of heaven and the values of earth, always round up!
Friday Mar 23, 2018
061 Sr. Raffaella Cavallin: Human Formation
Friday Mar 23, 2018
Friday Mar 23, 2018
On March 21, 2018, host Pam Marvin spoke with Sr. Raffaella Cavallin, a cherished member of the staff at St. Mary's Catholic Center in College Station, TX. St. Mary's (@aggiecatholic) ministers to the students of Texas A&M University. Sr. Raffaella is a member of the Apostles of the Interior Life (http://en.apostlesofil.com), a community of consecrated women founded in Italy in 1990. Their charism is taking care of people's interior life, primarily through spiritual direction, formation and evangelization . Sr. Raffaella has been an Apostle for more than 20 years. In their work at St. Mary's (and other Catholic student centers around the country), the Apostles do evangelization and outreach on campus as well as spiritual direction for students, faculty, and other laypeople. Pam and sister spent the morning introducing the idea of human formation. Essentially, it is the venerable Catholic idea that cultivating the cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance are prerequisites to a person's growth in the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love. Enjoy this conversation and look for a second installment to be available sometime in May. Enjoy the show, like RED-C Catholic Radio on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter at @REDCRadio. And remember, when choosing between the values of heaven and the values of earth, always round up!
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
060 Pete and Sue Fullerton: Truck of Love Ministries
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
On March 14, 2018, host Gene Wilhelm spoke with his old friends, Pete and Sue Fullerton, operators of Truck of Love Ministries. Pete and Sue met and married while she was in school at the University of San Francisco in the early 1960s. Pete had a brief career as a member of the We Five, and had a hit song, "When I Woke Up This Morning." But a yearning for something more and a desire to honor the memory of a recently deceased friend brought them to join in a ministry that provided food and supplies to Native Americans in Arizona. This has blossomed into 50 years of work in the mission fields of Arizona and, more recently, in the neighborhoods near their home in South Carolina. Learn more about their ministry at www.truckoflove.org. Enjoy the show, like RED-C Catholic Radio on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter at @REDCRadio. And remember, when choosing between the values of heaven and the values of earth, always round up!
Friday Mar 09, 2018
059 Troy Guy: Evangelical Catholic
Friday Mar 09, 2018
Friday Mar 09, 2018
On March 6, 2018, host Dcn. Mike Beauvais spoke with Troy Guy, a native-son of Palestine, Texas, and author of Evangelical Catholic. Troy explained how he made a slow but inexorable march toward the Catholic Church by investigating its historical claims and especially by immersing himself in the Church Fathers, men like St. Irenaeus, Justin Martyr, and St. Augustine. At the same time, he maintained his friendships with Protestant brothers and pastors. This has given him a unique entré into the evangelical world where he regularly speaks to various congregations and explains why he became Catholic. Troy is doing a valuable and one-of-a-kind evangelization. Learn more about his ministry at www.discoverhischurch.com and follow him on Twitter at @catholictroy. Enjoy the show, like RED-C Catholic Radio on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter at @REDCRadio. And remember, when choosing between the values of heaven and the values of earth, always round up!
Friday Mar 02, 2018
058 Dr. Miranda Walichowski: Introduction to Root Sin
Friday Mar 02, 2018
Friday Mar 02, 2018
On February 28, 2018, host Pam Marvin was joined by Catholic psychologist and leadership coach, Dr. Miranda Walichowski. Dr. Walichowski and Pam identified the three types of root sin—pride, vanity, and sensuality—and how they underlie the specific sinful behaviors and inclinations that we struggle with in our everyday lives. They also delved into some of the latest science that indicates the truth of original sin and how, in the words of Dr. Walichowski, our brains are "wired for negativity." Enjoy the show, like RED-C Catholic Radio on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter at @REDCRadio. And remember, when choosing between the values of heaven and the values of earth, always round up!
Dr. Walichowski mentioned The Sinner's Guide by Venerable Louis of Granada and read from a portion of it. You can find that book here.
Monday Feb 26, 2018
057 Allison Sullivan: The Eucharist
Monday Feb 26, 2018
Monday Feb 26, 2018
On February 21, 2018, host Judy Comeaux was joined by Catholic blogger and podcaster Allison Sullivan. Allison talked about the role of the Eucharist in grounding her for her mission and her vocation. Enjoy the show, like RED-C Catholic Radio on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter at @REDCRadio. And remember, when choosing between the values of heaven and the values of earth, always round up!
Sunday Feb 18, 2018
056 Corey Carbonara: The Infant Jesus of Prague
Sunday Feb 18, 2018
Sunday Feb 18, 2018
On February 14, 2018, Ash Wednesday, host Gene Wilhelm was joined by Baylor University professor Corey Carbonara. Corey told the story of the devotion to the Infant Jesus of Prague, explained the power of this particular devotion, and shared how it has affected him and his family. Enjoy the show, like RED-C Catholic Radio on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter at @REDCRadio. And remember, when choosing between the values of heaven and the values of earth, always round up!
Sunday Feb 11, 2018
055 Robert Rogers: Glory Through Tragedy
Sunday Feb 11, 2018
Sunday Feb 11, 2018
On February 7, 2018, host Deacon Mike Beauvais brought on a return guest to the show, Robert Rogers, the founder of the ministry Mighty In The Land. Robert told listeners the story of how a horrific tragedy led him to this ministry that has touched lives across the nation. Enjoy the show, like RED-C Catholic Radio on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter at @REDCRadio. And remember, when choosing between the values of heaven and the values of earth, always round up!