RED-C Roundup is a local Bryan/College Station, TX live Catholic radio production by the RED-C Apostolate. Tune in live at 11 AM every Wednesday to hear local church and ministry updates, Catholic events in the area, and to hear live interviews with local and national Catholic figures. Our hosts Deacon Mike Beauvais, Pam Marvin, Judy Comeaux, and Maria Sotolongo conduct inspiring interviews with pro-life advocates, Catholic authors, speakers, podcasters, radio hosts, priests and clergy, and more, bringing Catholic teaching, the answers to pressing faith questions, and great spiritual information to the forefront. Search the archives of RED-C Roundup for great interviews on a variety of Catholic and Pro-Life topics. With more than 300 episodes, you are bound to find what you’re looking for!
Wednesday May 12, 2021
212 Dr. Richard Couey: Enzymes and Healthy Living
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
On Wednesday, May 12, Gene Wilhelm talked with Dr. Richard Couey, a Jack of all trades, as he received his bachelor’s degree from Baylor University, a doctorate degree at Texas A&M, played college and professional baseball, and was previously the Professor Emeritus at Baylor University. He has been active in the health and fitness field for over 30 years. He talked with Gene about DNA, the importance of enzymes, a healthy diet and exercise, the details behind living a healthy life, studies he has conducted throughout his career, and things he has discovered in the health field, such as genetically modified foods, like today’s gluten. Remember when choosing between the values of heaven and the values of earth, always round up!
Wednesday May 05, 2021
211 Dr.Gerard Verschuuren: The Shroud of Turin
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
On Wednesday May 5, Deacon Mike talked with Dr. Gerard Verschuuren about his new book, A Catholic Scientist Champions the Shroud of Turin. Dr. Verschuuren is a scientist, writer, speaker, and consultant, working at the interface of science, philosophy, and religion. He talked about the history of the shroud and why he believes in its sincerity, along with several reasons for believing so. This was an intriguing conversation, especially for those interested in the Shroud of Turin, and/or any history buffs! Order his book on the Shroud of Turin from Sophia Institute Press now! Remember when considering the many ways in which you can share your time, talent, and treasure with the people of God, always round up!
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
210 Dan Leroy: Catholics During the Revolutionary
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
On Wednesday, April 28, Dan Leroy was on the show to discuss Catholics during the Revolutionary War, and particularly his book Liberty’s Lions: The Catholic Revolutionaries who Established America. “The primary goal of this book: to gather together, in one place and for the first time, the significant contributions of Catholics to the American Revolution.” You can purchase Liberty’s Lions from Sophia Institute Press now! Listen in for this great conversation about the significance of Catholics during the American Revolution. Remember to go out and love your neighbor!
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
209 Robert Tunmire & Kevin O'Brien: Catholic Men's Leadership Alliance
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
On Wednesday, April 14, in the first part of the show, Gene Wilhelm talked about St. Tassac, an artisan, who gave last rites to St. Patrick! In the second segment, Kevin O’Brien and Robert Tunmire, members of the Catholic Men's Leadership Alliance joined Gene to discuss this “ministry to men”, not a “men’s ministry”. Kevin and Robert talked about the importance of forming relationships among men, and how that can be a snowball effect to the rest of the world. Build the man, build the family, build the Church, change the world!
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
208 Fr. Sebastian Walshe: Always a Catholic
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
On Wednesday, April 7, Deacon Mike Beauvais talked with Norbetine Priest, Fr. Sebastian Walshe, and author of Always a Catholic: How to Keep Your Kids in the Faith for Life - and Bring Them Back if they Have Strayed. They had a great discussion about the book and some other things going on in Fr. Sebastian's life as well! You can purchase his book HERE. Remember when considering the many ways in which you might share your time, talent, and treasure with the people of God, always round up!
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
207 Sr. Tatum McWhorter: Chiara Petillo
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
On Wednesday, March 31, 2021, Pam Marvin had the pleasure of speaking with Sr. Tatum of the Apostles of the Interior Life at St. Mary's Catholic Center in College Station, Texas. The subject was one dear to Sr. Tatum's heart and it showed through in the remarkable, sincere interview she gave to us. For years, Sr. Tatum has been in close spiritual friendship with Servant of God Chiara Petillo, who died of cancer in 2012 while still a very young woman and mother of new baby boy. A seemingly normal, ordinary Italian woman, Chiara gave a Christian witness in the face of suffering, anguish, and disease that is arguably heroic. Pam and Sr. Tatum gave us many details from Chiara's short life and discussed some of the virtues she embodied. Please remember to go out and love your neighbor. And to subscribe, rate, and review RED-C Roundup wherever you get your podcasts. Head over to redcradio.org/podcast to check out Shoulder 2 Shoulder, Pam's podcast with her good friend, Megan Silas.
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
206 Suzanne Leggett & John Paci: Catholic Charities of Central Texas
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
On Wednesday, March 24, host Judy Comeaux talked with Suzanne Leggett and John Paci about Catholic Charities of Central Texas, a faith-based social services organization serving individuals and families across 25 Central Texas counties. John Paci is the new Director of the Brazos Valley for Catholic Charities, and Suzanne Leggett is the Chief Advancement Officer. Catholic Charities provides a holistic set of programs and services to engage, educate, and empower Central Texans out of poverty now and into the future. Suzanne and John discussed the details of how Catholic Charities helps the community and the beauty in doing so, as well as the challenges that the pandemic has sprung on the organization. Coming up on April 29 is Catholic Charities Giving Day, a socially distant drive-thru event supporting the work of Catholic Charities in the Brazos Valley. The event will take place at 1410 Cavitt Ave in Bryan from 7:30am-1:30pm. Find out all the details about the giving day HERE, and learn more about Catholic Charities of Central Texas at their website HERE.
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
205 Fr. Thomas Daily: Behold this Heart
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
On St. Patrick's Day, Wednesday, March 17, in the first part of the show host Pam Marvin talked about RED-C's new YouTube video series, Crumbs from the Table, in honor of St. Joseph. Check it out now! In the second segment, Fr. Thomas Daily joined to talk about his new book, Behold this Heart. Fr. Thomas has written multiple other books, and holds the Chair of Homiletics and Social Communications at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania. He discussed what inspired him to write the book and the 3 parts that the book is broken into. He talked about how we are all called to holiness, no matter our state or vocation in life. Listen in for a great conversation!